Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (LSCM)

Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (LSCM)

Nikon  A1Rsi
This is an advanced laser confocal microscope for user who wish to do high-end characterization on their fluorescence dyed sample i.e. FRAP, FLIP, 3D time-lapse, high speed scan , various types of spectroscopy. The instrument can operate beyond the diffraction limit.


  • 4 laser module 405-638 nm
  • Acousto-Optic Tunable filter
  • Autofocus, Brightness, Contrast, Astigmatism

Fluorescence Detectors

  • 4 PMT
  • 400-750 nm

 Scanning head

  • Resonance scanner
  • 420 fps (512×32)
  • 30 fps (512×512)
  • Zoom 1x-8x
  • Dichroic Mirror : low angle  8 positions
  • Pinhole 1-256 micrometer (variable)

 Spectral detector

  • 32 channels
  • 400-750 nm
  • 4 fps (256×256)


  • ECLIPSE  Ti-E  inverted
  • Motorized XY stage


  • Photo-activation
  • 3D time-lapse imaging
  • Co-localization

Contact :  Anuchit Ruengwittayanon,, 044-223193

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